This year is the fifteenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks that served as a vital “wake-up” call to our nation. We’re sharing an exciting event from Cry Out America. They are inviting believers across the nation to join together in an 11 minute prayer service Sunday, September 11, 2016…will you join us? Eleven minutes—that […]
There’s a Storm Coming
I had a dream last night I want to share…we were in a warehouse of some sort with an inner safe room and there was a storm coming but everyone kept blowing it off as if it wasn’t going to be a big deal. Everyone was out in the warehouse eating and talking and I […]
It’s almost midnight and after only having launched the website less than 72 hours ago, people from one side of the country to the other are already joining the prayer revival! This is all about making prayer a priority in our homes, in our prayer lives and in our churches. The purpose of this website is […]
The Best Way to Have Group Prayer Meetings
Acts 2:46 reminds us that the disciples and apostles gathered together regularly for prayer and meals together. We’ve sort of gotten away from that kind of lifestyle in today’s society. We have work, school, projects, homework, sports games…you name it but life can be hard to keep up with if we don’t prioritize. If you […]